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  • Secrets of the Sands, Book #2: The Desert Prince - audiobook

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    Secrets of the Sands, Book #2: The Desert Prince - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 05.10.2022

    Data publikacji: 05.10.2022

    Ancient Egyptian healer and scribe Sesha is ready for another role: spy. Be sure to read Sesha’s first adventure, The Lost Scroll of the Physician. Forced to flee Thebes or face death, Sesha and her friends, Paser and Reb, travel up the Nile and into the desert in search of a hidden oasis. Led by a freed spy, they plan to rescue Pharaoh’s daughter Princess Merat, given to a Hyksos chieftain...

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  • Cinderella (Kopciuszek) English version - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.05.2013

    Data publikacji: 23.04.2013

    When her mother dies, Cinderella’s father remarries and now she lives with her new family; her father, new mother and two new wicked sisters. They are mean and unkind to Cinderella and she is treated no better than a house servant, cooking and cleaning for everyone else. One day the two sisters are invited to a great ball to be given by the king and queen. Cinderella is unfortunately excluded....

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    Cena: 7,99 7,19 zł
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  • Northanger Abbey - ebook

    Data dostępności: 30.05.2020

    Data publikacji: 30.05.2020

    "Northanger Abbey" is a coming-of-age novel and a satire of Gothic novels written by Jane Austen. It was completed for publication in 1803, making it the first of Austen's novels in order of completion, but was only published posthumously in 1817 with another of her novels, "Persuasion". The story revolves around Catherine Morland, the young and naïve "heroine", and her journey to a better understanding...

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  • The Hound of the Baskervilles. Pies Baskerville’ów - publikacja w języku angielskim i polskim - ebook

    Data dostępności: 21.02.2016

    Data publikacji: 17.02.2016

    Bilingual publication - publikacja dwujęzyczna We would like to offer you a bilingual publication, in English and Polish. It allows you both to read the original text, published for the first time in English in 1902, and at the same time to have a look on one of its first translations - an unforgettable version proposed by Eugenia Żmijewska. Additionally, the original, irreplaceable and over 100...

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    Cena: 17,50 15,75 zł
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  • The Jewish Community: Authority and Social Control in Poznan and Swarzedz 1650-1793 - ebook

    Data dostępności: 23.03.2015

    Data publikacji: 02.03.2015

    "Książka - napisana przede wszystkim na podstawie źródeł żydowskich, przeważnie w języku hebrajskim - stanowi cenny wkład w badania nad dziejami Żydów w Polsce. Na przykładzie gmin w Poznaniu i Swarzędzu pokazuje mechanizmy funkcjonowania i politykę władz gminy żydowskiej w epoce nowożytnej w okresie między zakończeniem wojen szwedzkich a schyłkiem Rzeczypospolitej. Szczegółowy opis oraz analiza struktury...

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    Cena: 45,00 40,50 zł
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